EME Blog Post 4

 In first grade, standard LAFS.1.W.2.6 is fundamental to the implementation of the range of technology to create and produce writing in classroom with students and their peers. As a teacher, a standard is to allow the use of different digital technology such as Smartboard activities, class writing pages and blogs, as well as graphic softwares. Implementing these systems of technology allows students to be able to collaborate with other students in their writing. Working on digital programs such as class blogs, allows students to write, collaborate, and hold discussions. With the implementation of these digital technology by teachers it allows students to be able to hold more collaborative discussions and projects in a digital format. 

In first grade in English language arts a standard includes being able to cite evidence and being able to explain the evidence with reasoning. In the related resources of this standard there are a range of lessons plans, teaching ideas, assessments, worksheets, and text resources. These resources such as lesson plans can be implemented during English language to include tactics of including evidence in writing and helping students understand what evidence is through class readings. Tools such as assessments can be used successfully to allow teachers to be able to assess students proficiency in evidence and implementing it, and help as a building block for future lessons. I would use these tools as guidelines to help me in formatting class lessons to include the standard within my teaching as well as use examples to help make sure I am finding ways to teach all my students in a effective way. 

As a teacher, most importantly when teaching students it is important to be a reliable internet searcher. Making sure that the information you find on the internet is accurate to present to your class is a must. In addition skills of citing evidence, images, as well as checking for accuracy is fundamental to being a teacher and using the findings to accurately present to your class. I think another important internet searching skill is checking information on who the writer is from the news article you are finding information on and verifying who the writer is and how they are reliable. Understanding the writer as well as the websites credibility is essential to verifying information found and then using it in your own teaching. 


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