Blog Post 6

 Getting used to using Diigo at first was a bit challenging to navigate, however when I started to get use to the program I was able to effectively use it. With the ability to bookmark it helped when reading through important material and having the ability to bookmark it. Things that made it hard when using Diigo was with the chrome extension trying to get used to show to use the program as well as tips for it. Other then downfalls of learning about the program, I would say for the most part I had a very enjoyable and efficient time using Diigo when it came to websites for help with bookmarking,organizing, archiving material found. Overall, I could definitely see myself using Diigo into the future!

With blogging I really enjoy the ability to be able able to write about many different topics and personal viewpoints. Compared to a formal paper, blogs allow me to showcase my knowledge as well as being able to express my opinions and viewpoints. Another important feature to blogs is the ability I have to interact with my peers through their blogs. So far throughout my process blogging, I have learned more about the techniques as well as the gadgets and layout formats you can use in producing your blog page and within your blogs. Another important aspect I have learned during blogging is how to express your opinions and how to framework your writing compared to that of formal essays. 

I think an interesting Web 2.0 tool I would use throughout my teaching would be Animoto. Animoto is a program that helps put together slideshows that use images, text, music, and videos to be able to teach with. With Animoto completely free as well as it gives easy accessibility to all students and teachers to be able to use with no effect due to a school district socioeconomic status. Animoto is a fast and effective program to help aid teachers to be able to create engaging and appealing presentations in a more effective time production. Animoto I would use within my class to use for both presentations as well as encourage students to use the program and learn the techniques and tips for the program. Link for Animoto: https:/ 


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