EME Blog Post 3

 As a teacher following copyright and fair use, it is always right to give credit when using other people’s materials. Specially as a teacher, I believe it is right as a role model in education and to students to teach and show for example for students to give credit to others work. Copyright allows to establish someone’s ownership of their work and protects their work. Making sure to have students understand their own work and how copyright right works and how they can establish their own copyright of their materials is important in establishing the understanding of individual projects and works of students. In my own time learning more about copyright and fair use, I have personally learned more about what the requirements are to be able to have something copyrighted and how that process works that I hadn’t known before my reading. 

In the classroom to prevent academic dishonesty it is fundamentally important to establish systems in technology that allow for students to be able to be academically honest. I think a proactive system teachers should continue to use in testing is the system of honorlock. Honorlock allows students to have to be held to a technological system that prevents cheating as well as systems of using other students to do their work. Other solutions that could be used in preventing academic dishonesty, could be having a range of in person non technological activities as well technological activities to make sure students aren’t just relying on systems online for their work. 

I think in implementing AI in classrooms should only be used to check for student performance, plagiarism checks, and grammar issues. I believe that the use of ChatGPT is a academically dishonest program that doesn’t allow students to fully perform assignments on their own accord. AI systems should strictly be used in classrooms to verify that students work is their own. In addition AI should be used to be a source for students to help with their grammar and writing issues. 

Working on the newsletter design I was able to learn a lot about formatting on micosoft word that I had never done before. When putting together the columns I learned how it works and how I could format my writing with it to create a new look to paper. In the new future to improve my newsletter, I think I would use different headings, I want to learn more about what headings in font and type of word art is most appealing to the human eye. The skills I learned can be implemented to my future career such as when preparing memos, with plans to work in emergency management learning about the column system and imputing images will help me when preparing memos and inserting graphs and images into the paper. 


  1. Hey Avery, I completely agree with the points you made on how AI in the classroom can be used as a tool for checking plagiarism but could also cause the students to cheat. The use of AI seems to have benefits, but it also has real consequences as it evolves and becomes harder to determine if a student's work was their own or if AI wrote it. I think that your newsletter looks really good! I too was learning how to format differently in Microsoft word as before I had only used it for essays. I found the tool Canva to be the more confusing to use as I had no prior experience to using it.

  2. I really liked your point on using honorlock and I believe that it's in a student's nature to find the easiest solution for assignments and exams. Therefore, implementing honorlock even in things such as periodic assessments to see where comprehension levels are in the classroom can go a long way. I also agree with your use of AI in the classroom I think teaching and demonstrating how to collaborate with AI as a resource can help students not plagiarize texts. Your newsletter was very visibly pleasing -- the colors and fonts used were very on theme and the information was not overwhelming but still informative.


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