Blog Post 7

 Class pages can range from teacher information, class schedules, and contact information. In today’s society and overwhelming safety issues when it comes to schools it is essential to have precautions in media produced to the public. Such as on the Chiles High School page in Tallahassee Florida when going to different school departments only that of administration names and contact emails are given. Public safety issues make the media produced on school websites to be criticized for information being shared. Although in the past we may have seen teacher pages related to class schedules, direct contacts due to public safety issues has made these issues more prevalent in educational media. 

Chiles High School Website:

As a teacher I inspire to use technology as a tool to enhance and simplify learning. With tools being brought into the classroom from my experience with them to m students I can digitally advance my students as well as find tools to improve their learning. Programs such as blogger can be introduced to expand students discussions and open platforms up to students for holding discussions. Tools I could see myself using include the Microsoft office programs, blogger, canvas to include tools to help organize, hold communication and enhance the classroom learning experience. Using a range of different tools can help all students who learn at different paces and ways be able to find what works for them as well and gives a more personalized learning experience. 

I enjoyed through the website evaluation project learning how to create pages on canvas and the techniques for linking text. What I liked about the canvas group is it allows several people to work on a project together and can easily access a page without having to go through the hassle of sharing documents. The pages becoming easily accessible attached to the assignment submission as well doesn’t require remembering to turn in which can take stress off students. Other tools I would recommend using when using canvas group pages is having a Microsoft doc or google doc open to write and format. As well as for images making sure they are downloaded properly and formatted. 


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