EME 2040 Blog Post 8

 Assignment 3:https://eme2040ave24.weebly.com

AI tools I do on occassion like to use is grammarly. The Grammarly program helps enhance my grammar and helps to check for spelling issues, grammar issues, and overall spelling. Systems like this helps enhance my grammar and allows me to make sure I submit writing that is well produced and put together with less flaws. This AI tool is also extremely beneficial in checking for plagiarism checker and makes sure that writing is using quotation marks and citations. I am in regards to questions about AI tools interested in the development of future tools and systems and what those developments are possibly looking like. 

I personally have not had experience with CHATGPA. I have seen the way the program works with being able to use AI generation to produce results. However I think in the academic world despite the benefits that the system could potentially have it is harasily frowned upon. In one stance, CHATGPA can fund to not original student working as well as issues with student writing. I think after reviewing this week's material I can appreciate the production and power that AI tools have, however it still keeps myself skeptical to using the tools as well as how efficient they can be used. 

I think AI tools can enhance your productivity by being able to answer questions and receive information correlated from intelligence online. I tend to personally not use AI tools, just because I do tend to like to have to do research online. I think however systems even like canva helps in producing images that can be used in classrooms for a benefit. Using tools such as these enhance productivity and can add to teacher's presentation when wanting to illustrate images such as memes that we did in class. Systems such as these can enhance a teachers own production can increase productivity. 


  1. Hey Avery,
    I was able to access your website and I really enjoyed looking through it. The theme you used was very nice and visually appealing. I liked the way you included images, and everything flowed pretty well. I would recommend making sure images are in a similar size to enhance repetition and organization. However, your texts, font size, and font all matched very well and made it a very easy read.


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