
EME Blog Post 10

 Using data collection can be resourceful in all career fields. In my own future career field of emergency management, I will in the future be using data collection and surveys to understand and break down financial, resources, and community and personal surveys. Programs such as qualtrics for survey can be important for helping be able to get a better understanding in my career field of what people and communities feel they lack and also gather a more knowledge understanding of how they feel about emergency management programs in their area. Data collection can then help you break down data and gather results in a quicker fashion. 

AI Generated Meme

                                                       When your running to class late because of parking

Classroom Bitomji


Participation Portfolio Item #2


EME 2040 Blog Post 8

  Assignment 3: AI tools I do on occassion like to use is grammarly. The Grammarly program helps enhance my grammar and helps to check for spelling issues, grammar issues, and overall spelling. Systems like this helps enhance my grammar and allows me to make sure I submit writing that is well produced and put together with less flaws. This AI tool is also extremely beneficial in checking for plagiarism checker and makes sure that writing is using quotation marks and citations. I am in regards to questions about AI tools interested in the development of future tools and systems and what those developments are possibly looking like.  I personally have not had experience with CHATGPA. I have seen the way the program works with being able to use AI generation to produce results. However I think in the academic world despite the benefits that the system could potentially have it is harasily frowned upon. In one stance, CHATGPA can fund to not original student

Blog Post 7

 Class pages can range from teacher information, class schedules, and contact information. In today’s society and overwhelming safety issues when it comes to schools it is essential to have precautions in media produced to the public. Such as on the Chiles High School page in Tallahassee Florida when going to different school departments only that of administration names and contact emails are given. Public safety issues make the media produced on school websites to be criticized for information being shared. Although in the past we may have seen teacher pages related to class schedules, direct contacts due to public safety issues has made these issues more prevalent in educational media.  Chiles High School Website: As a teacher I inspire to use technology as a tool to enhance and simplify learning. With tools being brought into the classroom from my experience with them to m students I can digitally advance my students as well as find tools to

Blog Post 6

 Getting used to using Diigo at first was a bit challenging to navigate, however when I started to get use to the program I was able to effectively use it. With the ability to bookmark it helped when reading through important material and having the ability to bookmark it. Things that made it hard when using Diigo was with the chrome extension trying to get used to show to use the program as well as tips for it. Other then downfalls of learning about the program, I would say for the most part I had a very enjoyable and efficient time using Diigo when it came to websites for help with bookmarking,organizing, archiving material found. Overall, I could definitely see myself using Diigo into the future! With blogging I really enjoy the ability to be able able to write about many different topics and personal viewpoints. Compared to a formal paper, blogs allow me to showcase my knowledge as well as being able to express my opinions and viewpoints. Another important feature to blogs is the a